
Smart fertility management


2021 - ONGOING

modern fertility management

trackle is a medically certified fertility management system rooted in the symptothermal family planning method. This innovative solution comprises a vaginal thermometer, measuring nightly body temperature, and a companion app. Utilizing the scientifically proven NFP (Natural Family Planning) method, the app calculates and displays a woman's fertile days in her monthly cycle.

An evolving partnership

For the past few years, we've played a crucial role in supporting trackle's technological evolution, particularly in implementing Bluetooth connectivity between the app and the trackle sensor. So, naturally, the opportunity to redesign and relaunch trackle's companion app was met with immense excitement.

User Research

Creative Direction



Technical Strategy

App Development

Bluetooth Connectivity

Designed for Women

Through a series of user interviews with the trackle customer service team, we gained valuable insights into the desires and needs of the current app users. This feedback formed the foundation for the app's overhaul. In addition to structural enhancements, we reimagined the visual identity of the trackle brand. This creative rejuvenation laid the groundwork for the new design system.

Coming Soon

While we've provided a glimpse of some final app screens here, please note that the enhanced app is currently in the development and testing phase. It will soon become available to both existing and new customers.
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